'Twas the Week before Finals

'Twas the night before finals when all thro' the land
Not a creature was stirring, except for the tick of a watch hand;
The study guides were laid on the desk with care,
In the plans they would learn all the information listed there;
The students were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of beta blockers and ABGs danced in their heads

-Sydney Morfoot and Clement Clarke Moore (traditional 'Twas the Night Before Christmas author) 

The Nursing Student's Holiday Wishlist

It's the Holiday Season here at Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, so here's a list of possible gifts for your nursing student or nursing student to be!

  1. An acceptance letter from Georgia Baptist College of Nursing!
  2. Comfortable white shoes that will withstand clinical after clinical.
  3. Pens. Pens with blue ink. Pens with black ink. Pens with clips to hold unto scrub pockets. Cute pens. Ugly pens. Pens.
  4. Sturdy backpack to hold textbooks, paperwork, computers, and class assignments.
  5. Liquid sleep... or coffee.
  6. Giftcards for local restaurants when your schedule just doesn't allow time for you to cook dinner.
  7. Stethoscope (which you can buy from GBCN with our logo on the bell!)
  8. Healthy snacks.
  9. Highlighters, index cards, and other necessary study materials.
  10. Rollers of essential oils for when clinicals get a little too messy...
  11. Chocolate and other unhealthy snacks for when test time comes around.
  12. Taking the kids out for an hour or two so silent studying can occur.
  13. Pens.
  14. Notes of encouragement slipped in-between textbook pages for a surprise smile while studying!
  15. Compression socks for those long clinical days.
  16. Plenty of printer paper and ink!
  17. Reliable watch with a second hand for calculating respirations and pulse rate!
  18. Badge reel for your first hospital name badge!
  19. Did we mention pens?
  20. The love and encouragement from friends and family!

Ode to Final Exam Week

Dearest final exam week,

Thou hast stirred our slumbering turkey brains.
In the midst of feasting, we may have forgotten thee,
But thou hast comest with blazing speed
To overtake our reveries.

Thoughts of pie and mashed potatoes
Are now again replaced with urine samples,
Auscultation, palpation, bed pans…
Ah but final exam week, thou shalt soon be defeated.

Though you may take our sleep,
Thou will not take our freedom.
Come a week’s time,
Thou shall be vanquished.

At least until May. 

Natalie Clifton c/o 17

A Word from a Student: Erica Golden and Ellie Holst

Hello future students! We have written a poem in order to express all of our feelings throughout the first three months of nursing school. Nursing school is hard; it is quite possibly the hardest thing that we have done. However, it is a great profession filled with compassion and heart, as well as an excellent career to move into and passion to subscribe in. We believe in you and know you can do it!


Starting nursing school three months ago,
I did not know how much I would grow,
As I began to attend,
The first week seemed like it would never end,
The stress piled high,
I wanted to cry,
But the friendships I have made,
Have helped me not to fade,
Now looking back,
I know I will not crack,
Even though it was hard,
I still got my hospital card,
The three months have flown,
It is crazy how much me and my peers have grown,
Now looking back,
I have found my knack!
-Erica Golden and Ellie Holst